
Camel crickets jump at you, and high as their only means of self defense so having the long handle on the Cup A Bug makes it ideal for trapping these guys without having to get too close, I cannot say enough good things!
Tara O'Shea

I finally got back home from a work assignment and got to try out your cup a bug that’s been waiting for me. Thanks for making it big enough for lizards* too!
-Sean Cinco
*Note from Cup-a-Bug: Lizards bigger than 3 inches are not recommended for Cup-a-Bug

Thank you so much for your Cup A Bug product! I backed Kickstarter ages ago and have had my Cup A Bug for a few weeks, but today was my first opportunity to use it.
My little poodle pup found a spider in our hallway and was trying to attack it. I grabbed the Cup A Bug and was able to snag it perfectly without ever getting close enough to feel squeamish. The closing function was amazing-- smooth and gentle on the fragile spider legs, and I felt confident that the spider was secure in the cup while I took it outside. (I've had SO MANY cup and paper methods where the spider gets free or goes missing in transit. The clear cup helped me a LOT to know that my unwanted leggy visitor was still in place, and being able to see through the cup and know that the lid was clicked into place helped me out a lot too.)
The spider has been safely relocated to the outdoors, and I'll be excited to buy more Cup A Bugs for other rooms and for friends and family once you start selling them. I so appreciate all the work you've put in to the R&D process and making a quality product that lets me gently get bugs out of my house without having to risk touching them.
Whitley Morlino
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